Friday, 29 March 2013

Greater Love Has No One Than This

Is there a difference between tart and quiche? There seem to be no definite answer to this. Some says tart has no egg mixture, other says the definition is the ratio of ingredients. I haven't got the answer yet, if you know the difference, please share with me,
I made this Smoked Salmon Tart for a light dinner on Good Friday. This is another Delia Smith's easy and reliable recipe  I found the pastry base quite crumbly to roll and couldn't lift it with my rolling pin to transfer itto the tin. I switched to 2 small 10 cm tart tins  Delia says the secret of a great tart or quiche is a perfect pastry base - crisp, light and flaky, without a hint of sogginess - to offset the rich, creamy filling. This tart has it all!

Smoked Salmon Tart
Delia Smith 's Complete Cookery Course


for the filling:
250g smoked salmon trimmings(160g)
2 large eggs, plus 1 extra yolk, beaten
200ml creme fraiche
freshly grated nutmeg(ground nutmeg)
pinch cayenne pepper(mild paprika)
freshly milled black pepper

For the Parmesan pastry::
110g plain flour
pinch of salt
25g lard, at room temp(omitted)
25g butter, at room temp(50g)
25g Parmigiano Reggiano, finely grated

24cm Tart Tin


  • To make the pastry, sift the flour with a pinch of salt into a large bowl, holding the sieve up high to give the flour a good airing. Then add the lard and butter (butter only) and using only your fingertips, lightly and gently rub the fat into the flour, again lifting the mixture up high all the time to give it a good airing.

  • When everything is crumbly, add the Parmesan and then sprinkle in some cold water - about 1 tablespoon. Start to mix the pastry with a knife and then finish off with your hands, adding more drops of water till you have a smooth dough that will leave the bowl clean.

  • Then pop it into a polythene bag and let it rest in the fridge for 30 minutes. After that, roll the pastry out into a circle aout 12 inches (30cm) in diameter, then transfer it, rolling it over the pin, to the tin. Press lightly and firmly over the base and sides of the tin, pushing up the sides to come about 1/4 inch above the rim of the tin all round. Now prick the base all over with a fork, then brush with some of the beaten egg for the filling. (two 10 cm tart tins)
  • Place the tin on the pre-heated baking sheet and bake at 190C for 20-25 minutes or until the pastry is crisp and golden. 
  • check halfway through the cooking time to make sure the pastry isn't rising up in the centre. If it is, just prick it a couple of times and press it back down with your hands. When the pastry case is cooked, remove it from the oven and reduce the heat to 180C

  • Now arrange the smoked salmon trimmings over the base of the tart. Then, in a jug, mix the mix with the creme fraiche and season with freshly milled black pepper and a little freshly grated nutmeg(ground nutmeg) but don't put any salt in it as the smoked is already quite salty(a pinch of salt) Now put the tart back on the half-pulled-out oven shelf, then pour in the egg mixture and sprinkle with the cayenne pepper(paprika).

  • Bake it for 30-35 mins until the centre is just set and the surface is puffy and a light golden brown colour, then remove it from the oven and let it settle for about 10 mins before serving. Remove it from tin by placing it in on up upturned jar, which will you to ease the sides away. Using a palette knife or a fish slice, slide it underneath and ease the tart carefully on to a plate or board, ready to serve.

Good Friday Message

 Good Friday message was all about Jesus' compassionate love for all.  Crucified on the cross, Jesus prayed to His Father in Heaven, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do"

Upon  His cross, Jesus was praying for His enemies. The action behind this was continuously, even when he was betrayed, jeered, mocked and nailed.  Man's greatest need is forgiveness and the spiritually blind do not know that they have sinned. Jesus showed concern for these people and asked His Father to forgive them, 'for they know not what they do". 
Only God could love like this. Imagine what would we do in the hour of man's worst treatment of us? Would we pray for their forgiveness or would we curse them and ask God to destroy them?

In doing this, God shows us and teaches us; to never give up, to never abandon hope and to keep praying. Does it seem to you a waste of time to keep praying for something when everything seems hopeless?

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. John 15:13

This post is linked to Cook like a Star, a blog hop hosted by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids, Baby Sumo  from Eat Your Heart Out and Mich from Piece of Cake

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  1. MMMMM would most certainly like a slice of that!

  2. Oh, i am hungry for these delicious salmon tarts.may I have one slice please !!!!

  3. hahaa... tart or not tart, I'll eat them first!

  4. Hi Lian,

    Sorry for my late visit as I had to go back to Singapore last minute for personal matters...

    Your salmon tart looks very pretty. Perfect for the coming Spring season.


    1. Oh Zoe, you are such a kind and gracious host for these blog hops. Thank you so much for your support and encouraging words.


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