Friday, 22 March 2013

God Cannot Be Tempted By Evil

It was reported that in 1990,  Delia Smith announced on her TV Christmas Special that this Truffle Torte was the best chocolate dessert she had ever tasted in years and quite the easiest to make. Within days of her announcement, liquid glucose, a key ingredient was flying off the shelves and truffle torte was the dessert to whip on festive occasions across the United Kingdom.

This truffle torte is indeed very decadent, very easy and quick to whip. To make this the best chocolate dessert ever, you have to get the best quality chocolate (75%cacao) and whipping cream. Do not substitute the amaretti biscuits which is at the base, but when serving, you flip the cake with the biscuit base on top, and serve with additional single pouring cream (optional).

Truffle Torte
Delia Smith's Christmas 
Serve 10 small slices


75g amaretti biscuits, crush finely with a rolling pin
450g dark chocolate (75% cacao)
5 tablespoon liquid glucose 
5 tablespoon rum
570 ml double cream

To serve
single pouring cream
Cocoa powder for dusting 


  • Start by sprinkling the crushed biscuits all over the base of the tin. Next, break the chocolate into sections and put them in a heatproof bowl together with the liquid glucose and the rum. Fit the bowl over a pan of barely simmering water, then leave it until the chocolate has melted and become quite smooth.
  • Stir, then take off the heat and leave the mixture to cool for 5 minutes or so until it feels just warm.

  • Now, in a separate bowl, beat the cream until only very slightly thickened. Fold half into the chocolate mixture and then fold that mixture into the rest of the cream.
  • When it is smoothly blended, spoon it into the prepared tin. Tap the tin gently to even the mixture out, cover with clingfilm and chill overnight.
  • Just before serving, run a palette knife round the edge to loosen the torte, then give it a good shake and turn the whole thing out on to a serving plate (don't be nervous about this - it's very well behaved).
  • To serve, dust the surface with sifted cocoa powder and, if you like, mark the top into serving sections. Have some chilled pouring cream to go with it; if you have any, a couple of tablespoons of amaretto liqueur makes a wonderful addition to the cream.

Note: I used Valrhona Guanaja 70% and Valrhona cocoa powder. This chocolate torte is very rich.  To cut the chocolaty richness, I would suggest to increase the amaretti biscuits to 100g or more and serve with a dollop of cream and fruits like strawberries, raspberries or pomegranates.


When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desires, he is dragged away and enticed.     James 1:13-14



This post is linked to Cook like a Star, a blog hop event hosted by Zoe from Bake for happy kids, 
Baby Sumo from Eat Your Heart Out and Mich from A piece of Cake

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  1. Oh wow, this looks sinful indeed. How come I never saw this cake on her website? Must bookmark this.... anything Delia says is good is usually good. :)

  2. Here is the link

  3. Your rose cake looks good too and the truffle cake looks just divine!

  4. Hi Lian,

    I can tell that you are a great Delia Smith fan knowing about the history of this cake. This non-bake recipe will be handy for our warm hot summer entertaining. Simply divine!



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