Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Only God Makes Things Grow

Not as fluffy as the one I had four days ago, but making this gives me a sense of achievement. It is not hard to make your own roti prata, but who make their own roti pratas at home? It is available everywhere, it is cheap, the frozen pack is cheap and good too, then why go through all this hassle? Well, I did it  for the fun of flipping my own prata and also I want to know if homemade healthier version taste just as good.

Yes, this is fun to do  but it takes many practices. The dough is soft and stretchable, so I cheated a bit by stretching the four corners. I got the recipe from Dr Leslie Tay. a famous food blogger. He has spent many months researching and perfecting this recipe, and also made tutorial videos to guide you. Hop over to his blog for his tutorial if you want to make this at home.


600g plain flour
125ml room temperature water
1 egg
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/4 cup condensed milk

Method (simplified)

  • Add egg, salt, oil, condensed milk and water into a bowl.
  • Stir and pour into the flour. Mix thoroughly and rest for 20 minutes.
  • Knead at speed 2 on your KitchenAid for 10 minutes and rest for 5 minutes
  • Repeat kneading cycle until dough is soft and smooth.
  • Weigh 90-100gm for each dough ball and oil dough balls.
  • Rest dough balls(10 pieces) into muffin tray(clingwrap) or covered container.
  • Rest for 8 hours. Oil your hands and flatten a dough ball, flip and stretch into square or circular shape
  • fry in a oiled hot pan.

Son flipping prata

I made 3 pratas to try and kept the rest of dough in freezer. Roti prata goes well with Indian curry or you can eat it plain with sugar.

Post Powerlab

Those blue(senior) and white(junior) material bags are from the camp. It is tidying up time and I am clearing the coloring pencils, stickers, slips of paper, unfinished artwork,etc. The group camp photos will be ready by next week and lab leaders will collect and post to their lab crew or visit their homes. This is to foster a closer relationship with the unchurched families and encourage them to attend church, and the children to Sunday School.

'I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.'
                                                                                  1 Corinthians 3:6-7

Powerlab Camp 2012 video

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