Monday, 26 November 2012

First Will Be Last, And The Last First

Another grease free kitchen cooking for you. This is Soy Sauce Chicken, similar to the one I posted here. This dish is like the simplified version, with lesser soy sauce and sweeter in taste. I will try to adapt both recipes to one,  making this dish the ultimate soy sauce chicken. This dish goes very well with dry egg noodle.


I chicken, whole or cut into half
100ml light soy sauce
1/4 tsp dark soy sauce
1 litre water
10 cloves garlic
3 to 4 star anise
50gm rock sugar to taste
1 tbsp oil
green vegetables, blanched


  • Heat up oil in a wok or pot, shallow fry the garlic and star anise till fragrant.
  • Add in water, sauces, rock sugar and let it boil, then add in the chicken.
  • Boil chicken in the stock for a while, 10 minutes, turn the chicken over, cover the pot and simmer till chicken is cooked through and tender. (approximately 25-30 mins for half chicken).
  • Off fire and leave chicken in the pot. Let it cool before cutting up into serving slices.
  • Cook the noodle according to packet instructions, blanched the vegtables and ladle gravy over chicken, vegetables and cooked noodles.
Fry garlic and star anise
Add chicken when stock is boiling
Soy Chicken with Blanched Vegetables

Note: This dish can also be served with rice. The leftover stock can be stored in freezer to cook braised pork belly with boiled eggs and fried bean curd.

Sunday Sermon

The pastor preached on The Cost of Discipleship with scripture text from Mark 10:17-31. 

A famous verse from Mark 10:25 'It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.' Can we leave all our earthly possessions and achievements to follow Jesus? For only we can enter into His kingdom by His mercy and grace, and trust in Him. We have all overvalued the Ps we have in life; PROSPERITY, POSSESSION PERFORMANCE,POPULARITY, POSITION and POWER. 

Are we trusting our riches more than Jesus? In verse 24, Jesus explains that it is trusting in riches that condemns a man to not having eternal life in this particular context, and verse 26 asked 'who then can be saved?' Jesus answers in verse 27 'With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.'  What are our rewards when we forsake earthly riches and trust God? Verse 28-30 gives us a clear answer for 'God gives you 100 fold in this life time and in the world to come, eternal life.'  Do not undervalue what God has promised us PROVISION, PERSECUTION, for being Persecuted,  we are  walking on the right path because of our commitment to God. Verse 31 'But many who are first will be last, and the last first.'   We are all servants of God on equal grounds when we are in His kingdom.

Below is the late Dr Richard Teo's testimony on Thoughts of Life

Sunday School

The Sunday after Powerlab camp, we have 6 children from the camp who joined us for Sunday School. It was a special programme by Mr George Ebenezer and his wife Manju from the Beyond Barriers. Mr George Ebenezer is a very charismatic person who is very good in engaging children in storytelling and songs

He also reminded the children of the 3 Ps, and that is ( a) To Meet Jesus PRIVATELY (b) To Know Jesus PERSONALLY and (c) To Stand for Jesus PUBLICLY.


  1. I like the idea of not doing a lot of washing after enjoying a delicious meal.

    Grease-free kitchen? Got this!

  2. Me too! fuss-free and grease-free cooking ;)
