Saturday, 1 December 2012

Christian Fellowship

Jellyfish Salad with Baby Spinach

This salad was featured in yesterday's " Mind Your Body ". I quickly got the ingredients this morning to prepare and bring to Friday AG.  This is a modern twist to an old hawker delight, using jellyfish as a healthier replacement for cured cuttlefish and baby spinach for kang kong. There are also additional ingredients like baked tofu strips, cucumber and pineapple.
My AG members liked the salad and I find it nice too. The sauce taste like 'rojak' sauce and someone asked whether there is hae ko (shrimp paste) in it. No there is no hae ko but mainly hoisin sauce, shallot oil and chili sauce. It is sweet, spicy and sour like rojak sauce. I have brought the newspaper cutting to show them and have misplaced the newspaper, so the recipe is based on what I have adapted and remembered.

Ingredients( serves 6)

6-8 taupok (tofu puff)
A handful of white sesame seeds
8-10 shallots, sliced
1/2 cup oil
2 tablespoons hoisin sauce
1-2 tablespoon chilli sauce
1-2 teaspoon sesame oil
juice of half lemon
1 bag of organic baby spinach
1 red chilli, sliced
                                                                                                        1 cucumber, sliced
                                                                                                        Pineapple slices
                                                                                                        200g jellyfish( buy from supermarket)


  • Cut tofu puff into strips and baked at 150C for 30 minutes or golden brown.
  • Toast sesame seeds in oven (150C) for 10 minutes.
  • Sliced shallots and fry with 1/2 cup oil till golden and crisp, set aside the oil..
  • Boil jellyfish according to packet instructions.
  • Slice cucumber, pineapple and red chilli.
  • In a small bowl, whisk hoisin sauce with shallot oil, chilli sauce, sesame oil and lemon juice. Adjust to your taste.
  • Arrange baby spinach on a serving plate with jellyfish, cucumber and pineapple slices. Garnish with tofu strips and sliced chilli. Sprinkle toasted sesame seeds and fried shallots.  Spoon sauce over salad.

Note: You don't have to follow ingredients and measurements exactly,  adjust and suit to your taste.

Year End AG Gathering

We gathered at Pastor L's house and his wife prepared a sumptuous dinner for us. She is a Vietnamese and cooks fabulous Vietnamese food, better than all the Vietnamese restaurants I have been. We had spicy mango salad, prawns wrapped in rice paper Goi Cuon,  fried Spring Rolls Cha Gio and the best tasting Beef noodle Pho Bo. 

Clockwise: Prawns in Rice Paper, Spicy Mango Salad, my Jellyfish Salad and Fried Spring Roll

Pho Bo

Rice Paper Wrap

What is Christian Fellowship?

We often view Christian Fellowship as what we do in Fellowship Hall. A place where we have causal conversations over tea and snacks. Christian Fellowship involves much more than this. It is where we gather together or alone with Christ for spiritual purposes; for sharing, for prayer, for strengthening, for encouraging.

There are two fellowships we must be in.One, a  fellowship with God as in 1 John 1:3 'We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.
Two, a fellowship with our brethren. 1 John 1:7 'But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.'

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