Monday, 24 June 2013

The Good Samaritan

The 3 ingredients Souffle cheesecake is a Japanese light cheesecake baked with just 3 ingredients. They are white chocolate, eggs and cream cheese. It is a quick and easy bake to do and I am sure any new home bakers would have no problems with this cake. Here is the youtube link to ingredients and method.
I was delighted by the perfect pairing of Gryphon's Contessa Gray tea with this cake. Thank you JC for the tea. 

3 Ingredients Souffle Cheesecake

3 eggs, small
120g Callebaut White
120g cream cheese

6" round tin, base and side lined with baking paper.

This cake is not too sweet and it is very light. The sweetness depends on the brand of white chocolate you use. The texture is quite similar to Japanese cotton cheesecake and taste slightly different. It is more moist, dense and custardly.
I will be baking another one soon and I am thinking of topping with a good strawberry jam.

This post is linked to Bake-Along #46 theme: Cottony Soft Cheesecake/Featherlight cheesecake hosted by Lena from Frozen Wings, Joyce from Kitchen Flavours and
Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids

Who Is My Neighbour?

He answered, " Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' " Luke 10:27

The Good Samaritan

A  traveller from Jerusalem to Jericho was robbed, beaten and left half dead along the road. A priest came but did not offer any help. Then came a Levite, he too avoided the injured man. Next came a third man, a Samaritan. Samaritans are despised and hated by the Jews. This Samaritan had compassion on the traveller. He helped the injured man, took care of his wounds by pouring expensive oil and wine and put him on his donkey. He took the injured traveller to an inn and cared for him. He even gave money to the innkeeper for the man's care and promised to repay him on his way back for any other expenses.

Which of the three men had been a neighbour?

Jesus told us  to "go and do the same" as the Good Samaritan, without any prejudices.

Do you have your Good Samaritan stories to share?


  1. Hi Lian,
    That is a lovely cheesecake! Very interesting with only 3 ingredients! And I'm surprised that it has no sugar at all!
    I like your cup and saucer set, very pretty! :)
    Thank you for baking along with us. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Hi Joyce,I like baking this cake because of the few ingredients. The cup and saucer set is part of a dinner set for 6. I bought this in London 25 years ago when I first moved in. There are 2 cups left after so many years of use.

  2. hello lian, actually i looked thru many recipes on youtube and books before deciding on the one that i baked. I remember seeing this too!In a way, i think it looks pretty especially with the lovely yellow crumbs, gives me an impression that it's custardy too. Appreciating your participation in our bake along! and thanks for sharing the story on the samaritan.

    1. Hi Lena, This cake was all eaten up in 2 days. This was rare in my family .

  3. Hi Lian,

    Just 3 ingredients to make this beautiful cheesecake. No sugar at all! I'm amazed too!

