Friday, 28 June 2013

Be Joyful In Hope

アボカド豆腐のレアチーズケーキ Avocado Tofu Rare Cheesecake is called rare because in Japanese a non-baked cheesecake is known as rare cheesecake. I have already  posted a soufflé cheesecake for the Bake-Along theme of light cheesecakes. Today, I choose to do a non baked one. Personally, I prefer a baked cheesecake to a non baked one.

Rare cheesecake is usually eaten with fruits or fruit compote as an accompaniment. It is too smooth and jelly like for me. It will taste better with a fruit topping which I didn't have. Here I added two avocados to the cheese mixture. When doing a mousse cake or chilled cheesecake from a new recipe, you're never sure if it will turn out too soft or hard to your liking. For this recipe, I would recommend another 5g more of gelatin powder.

As I typed the name of this cheesecake in Japanese, I thought back of my 3 years study of the Japanese language. I have stopped taking lessons three years ago and it was due to the stress of learning the language. When you do or learn something new, you want to enjoy and keep looking forward to it. I was dreading myself to the class. It was not easy learning a foreign language where you only get to speak a few sentences twice a week. There were also homework and essays to complete and term tests to study. All this proved too much for my rusty old brain, though I was proud to be one of the top and older students in class.
Like the 3 ingredients soufflé cheesecake, this recipe is also adapted from youtube , the highly popular cooking video, Cooking with Dog.

アボかド豆腐のレア チーズケーキ
Avocado Tofu Rare Cheesecake
Adapted from Cooking with Dog
15cm 20cm (my modification in red)


60g Graham Crackers 150g Oreo, crushed
30g melted butter 70g 

100g cream cheese 150g light cream cheese
100g low fat yoghurt 150g 
100g firm tofu 120g soft tofu
50ml whipping cream 30ml
1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 1/2 tablespoon
50g sugar 75g
2 avocados

50ml hot water approx. 80C 75ml 
5g gelatin powder 8g

All ingredients into the blender except hot water and gelatin powder

Blend till smooth and add in gelatin mixture

Pour into a springform tin and chilled.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lian,
    This is one lovely cheesecake! The flowery pattern over the top makes it look so pretty! It has been quite awhile since I last made any no-baked cheesecake!
    I have sent an email to you regarding the link. Hope you have received it.
