Saturday, 29 September 2012

Thank You Gifts

Pumpkin Soup
I always love soups, all kinds of soups; cream,consomme and chinese clear soup. If I lunch out alone, I would usually order soup and bread or soup and rice. I have made mushroom soup before, but this is my first homemade pumpkin soup. This recipe comes from a book I received from my church pastor as teachers appreciation gift. He also gave me another book, 66 pocket prayers book.

I hope you will make this today because it is very delicious and healthy, using not cream but soya milk. I used my homemade chicken stock as liquid and adapted the recipe to 1 serve because no one in the family likes pumpkins.

Serves 4
1 medium size pumpkin about 1 kg pumpkin pulp - without skin and seeds. Cut into small pieces of about 60mm by 20mm.
225gm carrots peel and cut into small pieces (optional)
1 tablespoon butter or olive oil(preferably olive oil)
1000ml water( preferably distilled water for detoxification program ) or chicken stock
500ml unsweetened soy milk
Fresh parsley to garnish

1. Into a heated soup pot, add into it the butter/oil and sweat the carrots and pumpkin. When the vegetables are coated with the butter/oil, add water just enough to cover the vegetables.
2. Cover pot and let the vegetables boil for about 15 minutes, until just soft enough to eat. do not overcook.
3. When the vegetables are sufficiently cooled, blend the mixture with a blander.
4. After blending, sieve the mixture and return all the puree into the soup pot.
5. Add soy milk to the consistency desired.
6. Serve soup with parsley
7. Sprinkle some finely grounded black pepper and sea salt to suit taste
8. Add some whipped cream as an option.

Note: I steamed(not boil) the vegetables first and then sweat steamed vegetables in a frying pan. I did not sieve the puree. I used butternut pumpkin.

Benefits of Pumpkin (Urban Pumpkin)
  • laxatives qualities.
  • a good diuretic, which does not irritate the kidneys.
  • good for the heart.
  • removes kidney disorders.
  • gives relief to kidney stones.
  • controls the secretion of bile.
  • preserves and increases virility.
  • a vermifuge remedy for eliminating the intestinal worms.
  • a powerful anti-helminthic remedy for removing parasitic worms from the digestive tract.
  • is vitalizing, and enhances the immunity system.

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