Friday, 28 September 2012

Bean there and Ashamed

This is my version of Pasta Fagioli. After studying some recipes, I decided to create my own version using what I have at home. Honestly, I have not heard of this dish before. After making the calamari al forno fagioli, I have leftover cannelli beans which I did not want to waste.
My version is an adaptation of a few recipes and it turned out so delicious,so homely and hearty. A comfort food that took me less than 30 minutes to cook and I hope it tastes as good and authentic as the Italians cook it. Best served with grated Parmesan and crusty garlic toast.

Serve 1
1 tablespoon extra virgin oil
1/4 onions,finely chopped
1/4 cup celery, cut 1/4 inch thick
1/4 cup tomato, seeded and diced.
1 cup tomato sauce
3 cups homemade chicken stock
1 cup pasta
1/4 tsp rosemary
1/4 tsp basil
Salt and black pepper to taste


1. Heat the pan on low with olive oil.
2. Fry the chopped onions until it turns soft. Add celery and tomato.
3. Add the tomato sauce,chicken stock,rosemary and basil. Simmer on low fire. Add salt and black pepper to taste.
4. Cook the pasta in a pot of salted boiling water for 8 mins.
5. When pasta is ready, pour into the sauce and mix. Garnish with basil leaves.

Buon Appetito!

Powerlab Camp Update
I have completed my task of calling past campers. There are 9 families to follow up. During my calls to them, I found out one family has financial difficulties.  The mother who is not a local has just given birth and is out of job. She could'nt afford to pay $40 for her two children to spend 3 days in camp. She told me that $40 can buy her a week of groceries. I felt ashamed upon hearing this, because you all know that I go to supermarket almost daily, and each trip I spend about $30, sometimes more. I assured her that we will waive the fee and will visit her to collect the forms.
The next day, we visited her home. She was nursing the baby and did'nt let us in. I can see her home was sparsely furnished with old furniture, we took the forms and left for another house. The second home we visited was like a 'palace' compared to the first. The owner's children had attended our Sunday school and camps before and have stopped for the last two years. The children have too many encrichment classes to go, swimming,music,dramas..that they have no time for Sunday school!  How sad for these poor kids. If we put God first in everything we do, surely He will take care of everything for us.
It is confirmed that the Operation kid to kid will have the camp kids to write messages and insert into the socks. The socks will be displayed during camp finale follows by a skit and slide show to show the campers the recipients of this gift. The message will be God gives us the power to be THANKFUL.
I want to thank God for His faithfulness in leading,we have more than a hundred who have signed up before early bird registration closes on the 8 Oct.

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