Monday, 7 September 2015

We Live By Faith, Not By Sight

These Almost Famous Amos Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies are almost there! That is quite close to Famous Amos, and because there's no shortening added, the textures will never be quite like Famous Amos. They're are very crunchy and very addictive.

The recipe is shared by a member of a cooking/baking group on Facebook. It receives many likes and comments and many have baked and shared photos too.

This recipe makes a huge batch of cookies and like most cookies, it can be prepared in advance and kept in freezer. The ingredients used are like most chocolate chip cookies except of one secret ingredient, Chocolate Emulco which must be added to taste like Famous Amos. Chocolate emulco is an ingredient to add flavouring and colour to your baking. It is thick and concentrated.

Almost Famous Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies


500g self raising flour (sift with bicarbonate soda)
320g unsalted butter (I use salted)
240g brown sugar
20g caster sugar
1/4 teaspoon chocolate emulco
2 eggs
200g chocolate chips
5g bicarbonate soda
Pinch of salt (omit)


  • Preheat oven at 160C. Put butter, brown sugar, caster sugar and salt in mixing bowl and cream till blended.
  • Add in eggs, one at a time and mix till well blended (eggs are incorporated into mixture) then mix in chocolate emulco.
  • Pour in self raising flour (sifted with baking soda) mix till incorporated. Lastly mix in chocolate chips.
  • Bake at 160C for 15 minutes.


  1. They look delicious, Lian! I am doing well but this week will be extremely hot and humid here in Montreal, so I need to be careful that I don't get too exposed to it. Warm hugs. :)

  2. Oh yes my big kids love these cookies ^-^!
