Friday, 28 November 2014

Job Prayed For His Friends

These are muffins which I want to make again and again. The family is not
big on cakes and muffins, but I just love baking them to share with friends and siblings. It makes me happy to see the delightful expression on their faces when they take the first bite. This is then usually devoured in seconds.

I don't bake many kinds of muffins. This is probably my third post on muffins. These Banana Walnut Chocolate Chips Muffins really deserve a place in this blog and I do really hope whoever read this post will bake them.

Bananas are good source of dietary fibre, with plenty of Vitamin B6, potassium and manganese. However, the nutrient content of bananas changes as it becomes more ripen.  It is packed with antioxidants and becomes less starchy with the complex carbohydrates breaking to simple sugars. This change in the carbohydrates makes overripe bananas sweeter. For this reason, diabetics should avoid overripe bananas as it may result a quicker rise in blood sugar.

Bananas, walnut and Chocolate chips are best and popular combination. The taste and flavour are simply best of the classics.  Baking muffins is basic baking. Most beginners start by baking muffins which requires very few equipment and quick baking time. One must remember the golden rule of not over stirring or your muffins will be hard. For this bake, I did not mash the bananas but left it in chunks for better texture. These muffins can be kept without refrigeration for three days, or cling wrapped and keep in the fridge for a week.

Banana Walnut Chocolate Chips Muffins
makes 12


60g butter, melted, cooled
2 cups self raising flour, sifted
1/2 cup caster sugar, slightly less
1/2 cup milk
2 eggs
3 large bananas, mashed or chunks
1/2 cup choc chips
1/2 cup walnuts, coarsely chopped


  • Preheat oven to 200C. Stir flour and sugar in a mixing bowl. Make a well in the centre of dry ingredients.
  • Lightly hand whisk egg, milk and butter in a bowl or jug. Add to dry ingredients, along with the bananas. Using a wooden spoon or spatula, gently mix ingredients until just combined. Do not beat the mixture or the muffins will be TOUGH.
  • Spoon the mixture evenly into the muffin cases. Top with chocolate chips and walnuts. Bake for 20 minutes or until firm on top when lightly touched.

After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before. Job 42:10

When was the last time someone asked you to pray for them? Have you ever wondered why people ask you to pray for them?
I believe this is God's way of recognising you as a great person of prayer.
The Lord trusts you enough to send people to you, we need to be faithful to pray for those whom God has sent.


  1. Hi Lian, I like to bake muffins as my kids like it. And banana + chocolate chips + any nuts is always their favourite.
    Truly banana + walnut + Chocolate chips are best combo ^-^!
    Have a blessed weekend!

  2. i shall bookmark this, lian . feel like baking something with bananas too

  3. Wow Lian you are a genius. I love muffins but think yours are better than most :-)

  4. Hi Lian,

    Great muffin baking tips! You are totally right that we don't over mix muffin batter :D

    It has been a great pleasure to cook, bake and blog with you for the whole of 2014! Merry Christmas and Happy 2015 to you and hope we will cook and blog more in 2015 :D


  5. These look very good. Merry Christmas to you, Lian. :)
