Monday, 3 November 2014

God called the light Day

Poaching eggs is so fuss free and neat. If you have mastered the know how, you would be like me, have poached eggs for every breakfast.

For this breakfast idea, blanched asparagus for a few seconds in boiling water, remove and soak in cold water to cool. Add sweet cherry tomatoes, sliced avocados and store bought smoked salmon slices. Place poached egg, and black pepper to serve. Healthy gourmet looking breakfast done in 10 minutes.

Jamie Oliver has put up a Perfect Poached Eggs video and I like his lively presentation, clear and easy instructions. In the video, he shows three ways of poaching eggs. My poached egg is done using the first method.

Healthy breakfast goes with a healthy shake. This has two avocados flesh, a spoonful of Milo powder, a spoonful of gula melaka crumbs and a cup of low fat milk.

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Genesis 1:5


  1. Hi Lian, my girl tried poached egg the Jamie Oliver way but she told me unsuccessful .... hee hee ... Your plate of gourmet breakfast is so stylish and healthy ^-^!

    1. Hi Karen, you have to use very fresh eggs. Ask her to try again and follow the steps.

  2. Hello Lian, this looks amazing, and I am getting hungry. I need to start supper shortly. Thanks so much for sharing. :)

    1. Hi Linda, my pleasure to share with you;-)

  3. Hi Lian, I like your poached eggs, looks so nicely done. I always find it easier to do poached eggs in UK as the eggs are much fresher but in KL, it can sometimes be a fail.

    1. Yes, Yen. I don't get it right all the time.

  4. Lian you are a genius. The photos are awesome.

  5. Love your poached egg! Delicious breakfast! Yum!

  6. Hi Lian,
    I love your simple plating, nice!
    The shake is special, avocado and milo? I love it!

    1. Hi Doreen, How are you? It is suppose to be avocado and coffee but I don't take coffee. I love Milo though.
