Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Keep Me As The Apple of Your Eye

These Apple Rose Tarts are so lovely. Don't you think they are too pretty to eat? I didn't do a proper job rolling them especially the first few roses. It looks easy in the video but it took me a while to get the hang of it.
Don't wait till Valentine's Day, you can make these anytime of the year. These tarts are lovely for an afternoon tea, and they taste nice too!

Apple Rose Tart
makes 9


1 cup cake flour
1 red apple
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp honey (maple syrup)
3 tbsp water
113g butter, salted

Please follow the steps in the video link below.
Note: I replaced honey with pure maple syrup. I find it is not necessary to reduce sugar. Don't forget to brush honey and sprinkle icing sugar and cinnamon after baking!  Best served warm.

This post is linked to LTU 'APPLES' hosted by Kit of  i-lost in Austen. Event organised by Zoe from
Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen from My Little favourite DIY.

Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 17:8


  1. Lovely apple rose tarts ... so sweet !

  2. They are beautiful, and sound absolutely delicious!

  3. Wow, Lian! Your apple tarts are so pretty!

    From Kit, I have learned that apple tree is a member of the rose family too! From you, I have learned that I can bake apple tarts in the shapes of roses!


    1. Haha.. I'm sure you be discovering more as more 'apples' posts in the link up.

  4. Hi Lian,
    At first glance I thought this is cinnamon roll..hehe
    But after reading, Oh!! This is such pretty roses apple tart.
    This is too pretty to be eaten :)

    1. Hi Doreen, haha.. yeah, it does look like cinnamon rolls.

  5. Hi Lian, Your tarts are lovely ! Ya, totally agree with you that it's not as easy as it looks to make this tarts . Pratice makes perfect . Thank you for linking with us with your lovely entry . Have a nice day ;)

    1. Hi Kit, you are right! Practise makes perfect!

  6. Hi Lian,
    Such pretty tarts! And you have made such a good job, they really look pretty! I would admire at all angles before I eat them! :)

    1. Hi Joyce, that's what I did exactly, haha..
