Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Love The Lord Your God

Steak Diane is a classic restaurant show stopping dish usually prepared and flambé at the table.
A steak Diane sauce is typically made of shallots, mustard, cognac, butter and cream. The flambé is for caramelizing and browning sauce.

I have never done a flambé before but by accidents on a few occasions. I was so panicky that I doused the flame in water and ruined the dish! So how was my first real flambé experience? To be honest, it was still as scary as those accidental flambés. I have fear of singeing hair and eyebrows.
Despite my flambé fear, I will definitely make steak Diane again. This dish is a classic and retro. Serve with sautéed potatoes and peas, you have a timeless dish.

I love the sautéed potatoes too. It is soft inside and crisp on the outside. Traditionally, the steaks are rolled thin to cook quickly. I cooked for two using sirloin steak of about 230g each and one big russet potato for side.

My thanks to Linda, a blogger friend for giving me the idea to cook this dish. Do visit Linda's blog for some laughter and inspirations.

Steak Diane with Sautéed Potatoes and Peas
Gordon Ramsay
serves 4

4 x small sirloin steaks, approx 200g each trimmed of rind and excess fat
3 shallots,peeled
100g chestnut mushrooms, cleaned
1 garlic clove, peeled
Worcestershire sauce, to taste
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
50ml brandy
200ml single cream
Small handful of flat leaf parsley
300g peas
Approx 30g salted butter
olive oil
salt and pepper

For the sauteed potatoes
Approx 500-600g small Charlotte potatoes, cut in half
2 garlic cloves,peeled
few sprigs of rosemary (thyme)


  • Parboil the potatoes in boiling salted water for 4-5 minutes or until just tender. Drain the potatoes and set aside.
  • Using a rolling pin, roll out the steaks to flatten and cut off the rind of fat. Season the steaks on both sides with salt and pepper.
  • Heat a little olive oil in a heavy based pan. Quickly saute the steaks on both sides for approx 1 minute to colour, then remove from the pan and set aside to rest.
  • Bring the same pan backup to temperature and add a little more oil if necessary. Slice the shallots and mushrooms add to the pan, season with salt and pepper and saute briefly. Crush in the garlic and stir.
  • Add the Worcestershire sauce and mustard and heat through for 1-2 minutes. Tilt the pan away from you, pour the alcohol has burnt off, swirl the juices around the pan. Pour in the cream and add the juices around the pan. Pour in the cream and add the steaks and any resting juices back into the pan.Allow the steaks to heat through for 2-3 minutes.Chop the parsley  and sprinkle itinto the pan.
  • Introduce the steaks back into the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes (depending on how well done you like your steak)
  • Heat a little oil in a separate pan and add the potatoes. Season with a little salt and pepper and add the rosemary.Crushing two garlic cloves and saute. Toss the potatoes, add a knob of butter and saute for a further 1-2 minutes until golden and cooked through.
  • Cook the peas for 2-3 minutes, in boiling salted water with a little butter. Drain, and keep warm.
  • To serve, transfer the steaks to serving plates and spoon the sauce over. Arrange the sauteed potatoes and peas alongside.

This post is linked to Cook Like A Star 'Gordon Ramsay' hosted by Zoe from Bake for Happy  Kids,
Mich from Piece of Cake and Yen from Eat Your Heart Out.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
Matthew 22:37


  1. This looks scrumptious and is so beautifully presented! Thanks for sharing, Lian!

  2. Hi Lian,

    You are brave and good cooking this beautiful dish. I'm always afraid of cooking food with flame... Kind of having lots of what if in my thoughts :p What if I burn my hair??? LOL!


  3. Haha I also have a fear of flambeeing dishes in the kitchen, but I love watching it in restaurants cos it's just so cool. I would definitely get my hubby to do it for me at home. :P
