Friday, 8 August 2014

Every Word of God Is Flawless

Tray baked food are great food to prepare. Usually quite economical, it saves you time to prepare, and is also versatile to feed for one or a crowd.
This is a tray baked pasta that I come up with for the Bake Along. I have all the ingredients needed and it takes about 10-12 minutes of preparation and 20 minutes cooking time.

Chicken, Bacon and Thyme Pasta Bake
Recipe source: Whatever You Do
serves 3


250g large spiral tricolour pasta
1 chicken breast fillets, small cubed (150g)
2 bacons, roughly chopped
10 Button mushrooms, sliced
50g butter
1 tablespoons plain flour
11/2 cup chicken stock
1 cups milk
a sprig of thyme
1/2 cup grated cheese, I use mozzarella
ground pepper to taste


  • Preheat oven to 180C.
  • Cook pasta as per directions. While pasta is cooking, heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a pan and brown chicken and bacon. Add mushrooms, stir until cooked. Remove pan from heat and set aside. 
  • Melt the butter in the pan, add flour an stir until a paste forms. Cook for 1 minute. Whisk in stock until combined. Add milk slowly, stirring until sauce thickens. 
  • Combine sauce, drained pasta and chicken mixture, pour into a baking dish. Top with grated cheese and bake for 20-25 min until golden.

Note: Served with a fresh salad. This tray baked has very little sauce which I like.  It is not dry and pasta is coated with sauce and cheese.

This post is linked to Bake Along 'Baked Pasta' hosted by Zoe from Bake for Happy kids, Lena from

Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Proverbs 30:5

Emergency Numbers
Save this! 


  1. Hi Lian, well I've got some sprigs of thyme and cooking cream ... love to try out this baked pasta of yours ^-^!

    1. Thanks Karen. Try and let me know if you like it.

  2. Hi Lian, your baked pasta look cheesy and yummy! Thanks for sharing useful emergency phone no. God bless ;)

    1. Hi Esther, Hope you find the emergency no useful.

  3. infact what i see here, the amt of sauce looks just right and yet like you said, every piece of pasta there is coated with cheese and the sauce! nice!

  4. Very delicious pasta, Lian! I like all the ingredients that you've used.
    A comforting and satisfying meal!
    Thanks for linking!

    1. Hi Joyce, yes, all cupboard ingredients we have at home.

  5. Hi Lian,

    Saw Diana cooking for 13 with her baked pasta but you are like me just baking for 3... Whether we are baking for 13 or 3, totally agree that tray baked food is always easy :D

    Like your delicious cheesy pasta :D


  6. Oh yummy! I love the look of your pasta, and I can tell it is delicious with bacon in it!

  7. Hi Lian,
    I am loving your pasta bake.
    Looks yummilicious! Going to cook this as I have tricolor pasta and cooking cream in my pantry.

