Monday, 7 July 2014

MY Presence Will Go With You

There are a few bread recipes which have gone viral. This is one of them. Condensed Milk Bread is a Japanese recipe from the Japanese website Cookpad. This bread uses condensed milk which adds a milky sweetened flavour to it.

The bread making is very basic with simple instruction. Beginners can do this and should be able to bake this bread. This bread is very soft and  remains soft and fresh even he next day. Having done this, I will do variations in small buns and with added chocolate chips, nuts or dried fruits.

Condensed Milk Bread


200g high protein flour or bread flour
25g condensed milk
120g milk
20g caster sugar
3g instant yeast, or 1/2 tsp + 1/4tsp
20g salted butter, room temperature

20g condensed milk
20g salted butter, room temp

Almond flakes
Icing sugar, optional


  • Add all ingredients into a mixing bowl, using a dough hook, knead ingredients to a dough..
  • Add in butter, continue to knead till dough is shiny, smooth and elastic about 10 minutes. Transfer to a greased bowl and cover with cling wrap.  Proof till double in size, about 45 minutes.
  • Roll the dough into a rectangular shape 8' x 12'. Slice into four vertical strips. Brush the filling on top of one strip and stack another strip on top, brush the filling and repeat with the rest.
  • Divide the strips into 8 equal portions.
  • Arrange cut size up surrounding a greased 7" tube pan. Cover with cling wrap and proof for another 45 minutes or double in size.
  • Brush with egg wash and sprinkle almond flakes. Bake in a pre heated oven at 170C for 25 mins

My Presence will go with with you, and I will give you rest. Exodus 33:14