Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Come, Follow Me

This dish was cooked because I have a bag of kaffir lime leaves, two tomatoes and a bottle of tom yum paste in my fridge. It was also cooked mainly for the way it is prepared; fast, fresh, simple and grease free!

I have bought two very fresh batang fillet steaks and thinking my older son would love a spicy dish for dinner, had it cooked in tom yum sauce. Well, he didn't touch the fish at all. He likes Thai food but not tom yum. Instead, the fish was devoured by the younger son who hardly eats Thai food.

I don't know whether it makes much difference to the fish if I had it lightly pan fried before cooking in the tom yum gravy. Nevertheless, this is one delicious dish which I will cook again for the way it is prepared.

Batang Fish in Tom Yum paste
Recipe from here


1 Batang fish (2 medium fillet steak)
2 tbsp tom yum paste
2 tbsp coconut cream or evaporated milk
1.5 cup of water
1 tsp fish sauce
6 lime leaves
2 tomatoes, quarters,
1 stalk Chinese parsley, cut into inches


  • In a wok, add tom yum paste, fish sauce, lime leaves and water.
  • Using a small fire, simmer for a minute.
  • Add fish and tomatoes.
  • Switch to medium fire, cook for 5 minutes on both side until fish is cooked.
  • Switch to small fire.
  • Dish out the fish and tomatoes and lay them over the Chinese parsley in a shallow dish.(no parsley)
  • Add coconut cream or evaporated milk to the sauce in wok.
  • Bring to a simmer.
  • Pour sauce over fish.
  • Garnish with more Chinese parsley.

photo credit : Pastor Eric Kwan

Matthew 4:19
"Come, follow me," Jesus said,"and I will send you out to fish for people."


  1. Such a lovely dish presentation! Your flower is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. wow, this certainly whets my appetite! i sometimes fry the fish in curry or tomyam..depends . If fish cutlets like this, i normally dont, but if i'm using whole small fish, i usually fry them first.
