Tuesday, 11 March 2014

For When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong

I thought I am going to give Bake Along #58 a miss because I will be away this week but the itch to bake is uncontrollable.  After the baking was done, I felt so good as if  I have scratch an itch. Do you have this crazy baking itch?

I never expect this to be fudgy good.  I have baked many brownies, some with cream cheese but never in this way, the Nigella Lawson's way.  Thin slices of  cream cheese are sandwiched between the brownie layers, making these brownie slices so rich and creamy, and not overly sweet like most brownies. It is good enough to eat on its own, you don't need vanilla ice cream.

I gave all away because the family doesn't like cakes. It is usually three quarter to give away and one quarter to keep. Most of the times, that quarter is left forgotten in the fridge. I had a small slice to taste and now wishing I have not done so. Anyway, I can always bake this again when the itch comes..

Cream Cheese Brownies
Adapted from How to Be A Domestic Goddess
16 pieces
8inch square pan (10 x 5 inch)


125g dark chocolate (cadbury 70% dark cocoa)
125g butter
2 eggs, large
200g caster sugar, 150g
1 tsp vanilla extract
75g plain flour cake flour
pinch salt
200g cream cheese, fridge cold and sliced as thinly as possible, 100g


  • Preheat your oven to 180C.
  • Melt the chocolate and butter together in a medium sized saucepan, over a low heat.
  • Meanwhile, beat the eggs, sugar and vanilla together in a bowl.
  • When the chocolate had just melted, remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool for a minute or 2 before beating in the egg mixture.
  • Finally fold in the flour and salt.
  • Pour half the mix into your prepared tin, and top with the cream cheese slices.
  • Pour over the rest of the chocolate mixture, spreading it around a bit to ensure all the cream cheese is covered.
  • Bake for 20-25, (20 min) after which time the top should look a bit paler and dry but there should still be some squidge beneath.
  • Leave to cool for at least 10 minutes before cutting into squares.

This post is linked to Bake Along #58 hosted by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours, Lena from
Frozen Wings and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids. This is also linked to 'Cook Like A Star', hosted by Mich of Piece of Cake, Joyce, Kitchen flavours and Zoe, Bake for Happy kids.

That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. for when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10

Our faith grows strong during trials. Paul delighted in his trials and persecutions  because his faith is increased in this burden of hardship he suffered for Christ.


  1. Hi Lian, can pass over to me the next time? :P
    This is such a good looking and yummy brownies. My children and hubby will love it :D

  2. Hi Lian,

    I laughed reading about your crave for baking... I'm always getting baking itch all the times... scratch scratch scratch! Your brownies looks lovely. Wish that I'm living next to you so that you can pass some over to my house :D


    1. Zoe, you're too far far away. Nice to have baking neighbors so can exchange ideas and bakes. Also free smell all the time!

  3. Hi Lian,
    Yeah, I can relate to that itch...!!! LOL! I would not be at peace if I don' get any baking done each week, be it bread or cake, or pastries!! Haha! I always make half a recipe for most bakes, so that we do not over-eat!
    Lucky recipients! Your brownies looks wonderful!

    1. Yes, all baking friends united! Scratch Scratch Scratch:D

  4. I too have scratch the itch:P I gave away most of my cakes too as the boys are not so into sweet stuff but has lots of friends who do so no problem finding eaters lol!

    1. Jeannie, I'm sure you feel good after the scratch:D.

  5. hahaha..i guess most o us here have that kind of itch and it just happened to me 2 days ago ..baked 3 cakes but 1 flopped! not hungry for cakes but hungry to bake!

    1. Wow, Lena that is really an uncontrollable itch! Baking 3 cakes at one go!

  6. These look awesome! I absolutely love that you incorporate a Bible verse into your posts as well.

  7. Baking itch? Haha!
    They look sooooo tempting.

    1. Hi Goku, have you experienced this itch before? No doctors can cure you! Haha...

  8. Hehe next time you can pass some of your bakes over to me.... I never have any to giveaway cos my kids will finish them all!

  9. Elo, Lian, dropping by to say hi.. I made this cream cheese brownie last week (from Zoe's), but mine is not so good looking.. My hubby dig with a spoon while it was still soft and ooey-gooey, so I didn't cut into neat nice cute little squares like you all did.. We just dig in with spoon after that, kaka..

  10. Hi Lian,
    I am super late to drop by but then better late then never ... lol
    But again I am glad I drop by because I had a good laugh reading your baking itch story.
    Guess what? I had that itch too! You are right, no doctor can cure :D :D

    I love this nigella brownies. This brownies I kept half and gave away half :p
    I love your last clicks a lot. No reason just love it!!
    Have a great week ahead!
