Monday, 21 October 2013

Do Not Conform To The Pattern Of This World

I have always like tofu but have only posted twice, here and here for this month's Little Thumbs Up 'Tofu" hosted by Mich from Piece of Cake. The reasons being that I don't have many tofu dishes and most of my tofu dishes are just simple common fare which most of you would probably have cooked at home before. This Salmon Belly Miso Soup is no exception.

The recipe is adapted from Ms Tan Hsueh Yun of Hunger Management, The Sunday Times. I have always enjoyed reading her posts and have cooked some of her recipes. This recipe is great for first time cook who wants to cook Japanese food at home.

Note: I did not follow the recipe accordingly. Below picture shows the ingredients I used. All this are cooked with 1L of water and 2 tablespoons of miso paste.

Salmon Belly Miso Soup
The Sunday Times
serves 4-6


300g salmon bones
1.5 L water
60ml sake (optional)
300g salmon belly strips
250 daikon
400g napa cabbage, about half a head
200g shimeji mushrooms
100g enoki mushrooms
100g miso
300g block silken tofu
3 to 4 stalks scallions, chopped


  • Rinse the salmon bones under running water. Place in a medium saucepan. Add the water and sake, bring to a boil, then turn the heat down. Simmer for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse the salmon belly strips under running water. Scrape the scales off the skin with a sharp knife, rinse again and pat dry. Using a pair of sharp kitchen shears, cut off the fins attached to some of the strips(did not do this step). Throw the fins into the pot with the salmon bones. Cut the belly strips into 3 to 4cm lengths, set aside.
  • Peel the daikon. Cut in half lengthwise and then slice thinly into semi-circles crosswise. Set aside.
  • Remove and discard the outer leaves of cabbage, cut out the core and cut the cabbage in half lengthwise. Slice thinly crosswise and set aside.
  • Slice the roots off the shimeji and enoki mushrooms, separate the caps, rinse under water, drain and set aside.
  • After 30 minutes, strain the fish stock into another medium saucepan. If you like, scrape the salmon off the bones and add it to the stock. discard the bones.
  • Bring the stock to a boil. Add the miso and stir to mix thoroughly. Add the daikon, lower heat to medium and cook until the radish is soft.
  • Bring the heat back up to high, add the cabbage, mushrooms and salmon belly.
  • Slice the tofu into cubes and add to the pot. Bring to a boil.
  • Ladle the soup into individual bowls, top with chopped scallions if using. Serve immediately.

 I took this as a meal for lunch. I give this healthy soup a big thumbs up for myself! 

Linking this post to Little Thumbs Up "Tofu" hosted by Mich, organised by Zoe and Doreen.

Totally Transformed!

Totally  Transformed! is the theme for our church Sunday School children's Camp. 

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2a

Below is the theme song by Jana Alayra


  1. This miso soup with salmon belly looks really delicious!

  2. Hi Lian, I love salmon belly and this sounds like a really luxurious version of miso soup. Yummy.

  3. Hi Lian,

    I don't cook a lot tofu dish too because my husband and son are not tofu lovers. *sign*

    Your salmon belly tofu miso soup does look like the luxurious and epicurious kind... I mean not the daily kind of food that I would cook everyday. You must have very high food standard and expectation :p


    1. Hi Zoe, not at all luxurious:)) you can cook this everyday because salmon belly, together with the head and bones are like unwanted parts and are sold cheaply here.

  4. Lovely soup, Lian! I have not tried cooking salmon in soups before, I usually cooked them either pan-fried or grilled. Thanks for sharing this lovely recipe. Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Joyce, get the salmon belly because it is cheap with all the oily goodness.

  5. hi lian, i love adding tofus to my usual quick boiled soup for one time when i was on a detox program, tofu soup was on my menu everyday..salmon in soup is rare for me but thx for the idea !

  6. oh yes my steam rice is ready.. i am ready.
