Friday, 14 June 2013

Be Shepherds of the Church of God

This Orange Chiffon recipe was and is still very popular with bloggers. It is taken from Florence of Do What I like. I did half recipe and had it baked in two 3 inch mini tube pans and leftover batter in 3 cupcakes cases.
Chiffon cakes have always been well received by home bakers and people who eat them. So, I will not elaborate on this popular cake.
These slogans sum up the cake:
Just Do It (?) Because You're Worth It (?) and Release the Beauty Inside You (?)

Orange Chiffon Cake


115g cake flour
3/4 tsp baking powder

85ml warm orange juice(fresh)
finely grated zest of 1.5 large orange

5 egg yolks + 30g castor sugar + 1/4 tsp salt
5 egg whites + 50g castor sugar + 1/2 tsp cream of tartar(omitted)

60ml corn oil
1/2 tsp vanilla essence or 2 tsp rum (rum)


  • Sieve flour and baking powder
  • Use hand whisk to whisk egg yolk until creamy and light in colour.
  • Add in corn oil then warm orange juice and rum.
  • Add in flour mixture into yolk mixture lightly. Add in orange zest.
  • Beat in egg white with electric beater until big bubbles formed. Sprinkle in cream of tartar and beat until it is white in color. Add in 50g sugar 3 times and beat until stiff peaks formed.
  • Pour 1/2 egg white into flour mixture and blend well.
  • Bake at 175Cfor 45 minutes or until cooked.
  • Invert the cooked cake during cooling process.
Note: The three cupcakes were done at 20 minutes and two mini chiffons at 30 minutes at 160C.

Sunday School Games

We usually reinforce Sunday School lessons with games.These are two recent fun activity games to help children remember important Bible truth.

Fishing Game

Base on the lesson Fishers of Men. Children learn about telling people about Jesus so that they too want to follow Jesus. Jesus wants them to be fishers of men.
The children hook the fishes using magnet as bait. A paper clip is attached to the fish's mouth. There are quizzes written on the back of the fishes. These can be lesson related questions, small prizes or forfeits.

Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men Matthew 4:19

Gathering Your Sheep balloon Game

Our Lord Jesus is our good Shepherd and we are his sheep. A good shepherd protects and guides his sheep to his gate (heaven).
The children are the 'shepherds' and the balloons are their sheep. Using a paper rod, they are to guide their 'sheep' into the gate.

I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me John 10:14

Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the holy spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.
Acts 20:28

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