Friday, 10 May 2013

Her Children Arise

There is something about cupcakes that always bring smile to my face and they make me happy. I don't really eat my own cupcakes but enjoy baking for friends and relatives. It is my way of sharing love and joy with people I know.
This coming Sunday is Mother's Day and I am helping my Sunday School class to do Mother's Day gift. This is the sample I made. A Flower Pot Cupcake.


To keep things simple and budget friendly, I am using my opened bottle of Nutella to coat the Oreo crumbs. Styrofoam cups will be used as flower pots and my leftover paper doilies as decoration.. A straw is inserted in the middle to hold the stalk. The children will assemble them and write a short bible verse on the doilie and a message on another card.
These chocolate cupcakes are from Nigella's Old Fashioned Chocolate Cake. I chose this recipe because it is so fast and simple to do. You can always depend on Miss Lawson's "never fail, ever delicious" food. The best part of this recipe is the minimal washing up, just food processor and spatula! Isn't this brilliant? Oh, need to wash the ice cream scoop too.

I did half recipe(decreased sugar) and got 8 cupcakes. I made one sample flower pot and inserted a stalk of a week old gerbera and frosted Nutella Buttercream on the rest. This is the first time I am doing this buttercream and it turned out pretty good, not too sweet. Usually, I frost all my cupcakes with Italian meringue buttercream.

Nutella Buttercream

8-10 cupcakes

90g unsalted butter, soften
1 cup icing sugar
2 tablespoon double cream
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup Nutella
1/4 tsp salt


Cream the softened butter until creamy. Add in the icing sugar and continue beating butter and sugar till thick. Add in the cream, vanilla extract, Nutella and salt. Beat until cream is thick and spreadable.

                                 HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!


Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Proverbs 31:28

This post is linked to Bake-Along 2nd anniversary: Celebration Cupcakes hosted by Joyce from Kitchen Flavors, Lena from Her Frozen Wings and
Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids


  1. Hi Lian,
    Another gorgeous cupcake from you! These looks very pretty, perfect for Mothers Day!
    Thank you for linking!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend!
    Happy Mothers Day!

    1. Thank you Joyce. Good job on the Bake-Along. I hope I have the time to bake along with you all.
      Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Very lovely! Happy Mothers Day!

  3. What a beautiful idea for Mothers Day and I love the gooey surprise in the middle.

  4. hello lian, nice knowing you thru the event. first of all, the flower pot cupcake is a very nice gift . I'm sure those kids will enjoy making these too. You hv piped very well, they are really gorgeous cupcakes and thanks for linking it to our event. Cheers!

    1. Thanks Lena. Good job on the bake- along too. You ladies are fantastic! Actually, I have been your silent reader for quite a while ;-)

  5. Very beautiful cupcakes Lian. Happy Mother's Day to you.

  6. Thanks, baby sumo. Happy Mother's Day to you too.

  7. Hi Lian, for first timer, you did a splendid job on your frosting! Love that flower pot too:D

  8. Thank you Jeannie. I like your saffron risotto, creamy and yummy.

  9. Hi Lian,

    Pardon me for my late visit.

    Your cupcakes are perfectly piped and well-presented. Beautiful :D


  10. Hi Zoe, thank you for remembering me. Appreciate it ;)
