Saturday, 4 May 2013

A Thankful Heart Is A Happy Heart

 It was about eight years ago, I learnt to make these Strawberry Heart Jelly cheesecakes from a talented PA culinary instructor, Valerie Kong. Since then, I get many requests to make these non baked cheesecakes whenever I am asked to bring a cake. These Jelly Hearts always bring smiles to those who receive them. They are so pretty. When making it as a gift, I like to cut the cake into individual pieces and line with silver cases.

Strawberry Jelly Hearts is quite simple to make. Many bloggers have made and blogged about it.
I will not post the recipe here because I believe Valerie Kong is still teaching them. You can search for the recipe on google easily.

A Thankful Heart Is A Happy Heart

A happy heart makes the face cheerful but heartache crushes the spirit.
Proverbs 15:13


  1. Hi Lian,
    Your Strawberry Jelly Hearts looks wonderful! This is the kinda dessert that would bring a smile to my family!
    Thank you for stopping by earlier and for your nice words! I'm just a simple housewife who loves to try out new recipes from cookbooks!
    Hope to see you again, and wish you a lovely week!

  2. Hi Lian,

    I can see that this cheesecake is beautiful in its look and also its taste. Indeed a lovely cake.

