Friday, 26 April 2013

Receiving A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken

Fourteen  years ago, when I first watch him on TV, I was attracted to his young boyish look.  Mr James Trevor Oliver aka Jamie Oliver was then a young lad in his 20s. His first TV cooking show, The Naked Chef got me hooked to his 'real food for real occasion' and his 'strip food down to its bare essentials' philosophy and techniques.

Today, I am still watching his cooking shows, new and old. I am still hooked on Jamie Oliver, not his look( horrors, he is growing sideways) but his cooking. Thanks to Jamie Oliver, I am more cautious of processed food and learn to prepare food from scratch using the freshest available ingredients.  I  also know many useful kitchen tricks and tips from him too.
Here is a dish by Jamie, from his cookbook Jamie's Dinners. When doing this dish, you will understand Jamie's philosophy of stripping food down to its bare essentials. This dish Crispy Chicken with Basil and Sweet Tomatoes will prove that you didn't need to dress up ingredients or buy a load of fancy gadgets to make something really tasty.

Crispy Chicken with Sweet Tomatoes
Recipe and pictorial instructions here

5-10 minutes to get everything into the baking tray

After 1 1/2 hour in oven

Crispy skin chicken, sweet soft tomatoes. Don't forget to squeeze out the garlic before serving
Tip: To bake to crispy skin, do not have any ingredients on the chicken. Everything has to be below and tucked at sides to fill in any gaps in the tray.

Wholesome family dinner

You can have it with salad, mashed potatoes or rice. For me, I like it with just the gravy,tomatoes and garlic.

Tender meat that just fall away from the bone. Thank you, Jamie.


I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30

Everyday reflect and be thankful for all that God has given us. Why should we praise our great God with thanksgiving?  He has given us a kingdom that cannot fade, but kept in heaven for us

Hebrews 12:28-29
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire."

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