Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Blessed Are The Meek

Do you like Chinese Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup? I do. Some Chinese restaurants serve this with crab meat instead of chicken. You can find chicken and sweetcorn soup on the menu of many Chinese restaurants overseas. Maybe it is the sweet taste of corn that appeals to the westerners or the egg drops in the soup is uniquely Chinese. Whatever it is, the soup is Cantonese and it is delicious and comforting.
I made this soup for two using home made chicken stock. You can of course use ready to use broth. I added my leftover can cream of corn and fresh corns for the soup. I like to add fresh corns for the taste and crunch.  The sliced Chinese mushrooms are for texture and also help to balance the corn sweetness.

Chinese Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup
serve 2
Adapted from mycookinghut
600ml chicken stock
100g chicken breast
2 chinese mushroom, soaked until softened and cut into strips
300g sweet corn kernels
4 tablespoon cream of sweet corn
10g cornflour
1 egg, beaten
1 spring onion, chopped  for garnish
ground white pepper and salt/soy sauce to taste


  • In a saucepan, bring the chicken stock to the boil, add the chicken breast and boil till cooked. Shred chicken breast into thin strips. Skim any scum if any.
  • Add the corn kernels and  chicken strips(reserve some for garnishing) Chinese mushrooms,  and cream corn. Cook for 1-2 minutes. Blend the cornflour with about 2 tablespoon of water, stir into the sauce until the required thickness.
  • Using a fork, stir in circles constantly, pouring in the beaten egg to the soup. Keep stirring until the egg is cooked through and become little strands in the soup. Garnish with chicken strips, and sprinkle sweet corn kernels and chopped spring onions.
Note: Adding the cream of sweet corn gives the soup a creamier and richer corn taste.

The Beatitudes

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5

Meek is defined as gentleness here. It is one of the Fruit of The Spirit. Those who submit to God belong to His kingdom.

This post is linked to little thumbs up 'Corn' hosted by Esther of  Copycake kitchen, organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Mui Mui of My little favorite DIY


  1. Zoe, I had my first taste of Chinese chicken and sweet corn in London and the hot and sour soup in Amsterdam! :p

  2. Hi Lian, this soup looks absolutely yummy and comforting. I wish I could have one bowl now ;)

    1. All right, sending one over, you have been a gracious host:-)

  3. Hi Lian, what a comforting bowl of soup. I think I first had this in the UK too, not so common to find it here in Malaysia.
