Thursday, 28 March 2013

I Am The Resurrection And The Life

These cupcakes were made for the church Family Night birthday celebration. They disappeared fast, within seconds after the birthday song.
They were designed with Easter theme, and popular Easter designs are usually bunnies, chicks, and nest of eggs. I made 2 of the cupcakes using jelly beans as eggs and candy floss as nest for the two birthday girls. For marshmallow fondant, chocolate and vanilla cupcakes, please refer recipes here and here

                               Happy Easter!

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.  John 11:25-26

Easter is a Christian celebration of the the Risen Christ. Easter food like lamb and hot cross buns have pagan origins, so are colored eggs, bunnies, baby chicks, butterflies and white lilies. While these may have different meanings at other times in history, now they help us to remember our new lives in Christ.

Easter White Lilies - Easter signifies rebirth and a new beginning and these flowers, with their purity and blossoms, symbolize the spirit and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Angel Gabriel is often depicted holding a sprig of lily which stands for purity and truth, came to Mary to announce that she has been picked to be the mother of the holy child.

Easter Bunnies - The German settlers were the first to introduce this to America. They believed a white hare
would leave brightly colored eggs for all good children on Easter morning. Early American children build nests of leaves and sticks in their garden for the Easter Hare to fill with colored eggs. By the 19th century , The Easter Hare had become Easter Bunny, with baskets of eggs, chocolates, jelly beans as gift for children on Easter morning.

Easter Eggs - They were originally colored to represent the sunlight of spring and were used in Easter egg rolling contests or given as gifts. Eggs were forbidden food during lent as well as other traditional fast medieval Europe and can only be consumed on Easter after Lent fasting. Eggs are also viewed as symbols of new life and fertility through the ages.

Easter Chicks - Like Eggs, Easter Chicks symbolize new life or re-birth.

Butterflies - The three stages of butterflies is the perfect symbol  of Easter cycle of life - death - resurrection. Jesus conquered death and is every Christian's hope of their new rebirth.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17

Lamb - Lamb was a traditional sacrifice during bible time. Christ was the sacrificial lamb who took away the sins of the world. He is the ;Lamb of God' born without sin and blameless, but he bore it all and was crucified on the cross . His blood cleanses us from all sin.

Hot Cross Buns - The cross pastry on the buns symbolizes and reminds people of the cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Hot cross buns are eaten on Good Friday.  An edict from Queen Elizabeth 1 forbade people to eat spiced buns everyday but on Good Friday.. The ingredients in the traditional hot cross buns are made for people who are following lent to be able to eat them as they traditionally contain no eggs or other diary products.

Just like Christmas, the true meaning of Easter has been lost and forgotten. It only takes two words to ponder on.  "JESUS' DEATH" and "RESURRECTION" before you plan and start your Easter fiesta.


  1. Hi Lian your Easter cupcakes are so beautiful! I'm gonna attempt some this weekend too. Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks Baby Sumo. Wish I could have made more, the kids at church love cupcakes.

  2. Lian,
    These Easter cupcakes are so pretty!
    Love the nice pastel colour,cute rabbits, carrots and chicks.
    Happy Easter Day to you!
