Sunday, 24 February 2013

Rose of Sharon

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"  Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare.

I like to imagine this picture as a shy bride peeping through her partly opened veil. These cookies are just as sweet and pretty as the bride. I like the smell of roses. It reminds me of people I love and cherish. The scent also makes me feel sensuous and feminine. What does the smell of roses remind you of?
To make these cookies, you have to peel the petals and sepals, a long process which I did while watching a Korean drama, a sad, sad love story.....

Cranberry Rose Cookies


50g icing sugar
100g butter
180g cake flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/3 cup dried roses
1/3 cup dried cranberries
1 tbsp rose water

  • Beat together butter, icing sugar until creamy.

  • Sift combined flour and baking soda into the butter. Add in the rose water, dried roses and cranberries. 

  • Fold batter into a dough and chill for an hour. Bake at 170C for 20 minutes.

Rose of Sharon

"I am the rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys."  Solomon 2:1

Jesus Christ is often symbolically referred to as the Rose of Sharon, perfect in love, beauty and grace.
Christ is a Rose that never fades, he remains in his  full beauty and glory throughout all generations.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."    Hebrews 13:8

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