Friday, 15 February 2013

Go, Eat Your Food With Gladness

Beef stew is one of my favorite comfort food. But I seldom cook it because the kids do not like it very much. I have tried a few recipes, but all ending in more or less similar taste. So now if  I cook beef stew,  I just add whatever of the vegetables, herbs, and liquid that are available. I also prefer to use the crockpot.
This Irish beef stew was done just like that, adapted loosely from Simply Recipes.  For exact ingredients and cooking method, refer here.

Irish Beef Stew
Serve 6

Prepare all ingredients and season beef with sea salt and cracked black pepper

Pan fry beef(800g) and set aside

Sweat onions, add in celery and mushrooms

Pour in a cup of red wine,and let alcohol evaporates

Add in a tablespoon of flour to thicken the mixture

Add in a can of stout

Add the rest of ingredients, One can each of stewed tomatoes and tomato paste. 2 cups of beef broth and a tablespoon of worcestershire sauce

Add two teaspoons of thyme and 2 bay leaves. Transfer to a crockpot and let slow cook till beef is tender. Sal;t and black pepper to taste.

Garnish with chopped parsley, but I like it whole. Eat with rice or bread. A very flavorful and comforting meal on a rainy day.  Simply Delish!

For my friends in Melbourne, don't miss to visit Cannings Free Range Butchers where they have the finest, ethically farmed and sustainable meat and seafood. They have home delivery service too. Visit their online Home Delivery page for a product list. Why wait? Check it out now!

"Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do."          Ecclesiastes 9:7

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