Friday, 4 January 2013

Fully Rely On God

Wasabi Deep Fried Prawns is an updated version of Deep Fried Prawns With Salad Cream. The sauce ingredients are basically the same, but with wasabi paste. If you like wasabi, you will like this because the sauce is less sweet, with a subtle hint of wasabi aftertaste. Many Chinese restaurants now serve this updated version instead of the classic Fried Prawns With Salad Cream.

The best tasting wasabi based food I had was wasabi ice cream with freshly grated wasabi. A few years ago, the family went on a trip to Japan and visited a wasabi farm. It was at the farm where I first tasted freshly grated wasabi. To my surprise, fresh wasabi do not have the same taste, color and sharp eye- watering "kick" as those horseradish wasabi more commonly found in sushi restaurants and supermarkets.

Deep Fried Prawns with Wasabi Salad Cream
Recipe adapted from Peach Garden Cookbook
Serves 6-8


16 shelled prawns
Potato starch
1 teaspoon ebiko
5g chicken seasoning powder
5g sugar
1 egg white
60g wasabi powder
30ml water
10g lemon juice
100g mayonnaise
50g condensed milk


  • Prepare the wasabi cream by dissolving the wasabi powder in water and lemon juice. Mix with condensed milk and mayonnaise evenly.
  • Rinse the shelled prawns and drain. Toss with chicken seasoning powder, sugar and egg white. Coat with potato starch and deep fry till golden brown. Remove and drain.
  • Toss deep fried prawns with wasabi salad cream and serve with a sprinkle of ebiko.

A Quiet Time: Are We Fully Relying on God?

When we accept Christ,  we give our lives to Him. God is always in control and we need to learn to rely on Him fully. God's strength is what we need most and  that's what we rely on the Lord for in our lives. We also need God's love for He loves us first. We rely on God's Word for he never breaks His Word and we live by His Word. His Word is a lamp and a light in our lives. Rely on God's wisdom too, when we need to make decisions, for God is our wise king. In times of difficulty, God is faithful and he keeps his promises.

'You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.'
                                                                                                                              Psalm 59:17

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