Saturday, 26 January 2013

Fruit Of The Spirit

Strawberry Fields Forever.  A song by John Lennon, was inspired by his memories of playing in the garden of a Salvation Army house named "Strawberry Field" near his childhood home.(wikipedia)
 I was waiting patiently for strawberries on sale to make this. Am I a cheapskate or being practical? I am just prudent! I got this punnet at almost half price and they still look firm and plump like freshly picked, with bright red color and green caps.
This recipe comes from dailydelicious, a talented home baker whose cakes and pastries look fit to be displayed at any patisserie. Her creations are always artistically arranged and photographed.
I had some problems rolling out the pate sucre because it was too soft even though I chilled it long in the fridge. I like the Creme d'amande a la pistache very much. It is very fragrant and taste like it comes from any good home grown patissierie. It is indeed much faster to make this tart than baking a cake!

Tart Au Fraise Pistache
Strawberry and Pistachio Tart (2  10cm tart pans, with excess)


Pate sucre
125 g cake flour
0.5 g baking powder
75 g butter
47 g icing sugar
25 g egg
20 g almond powder
1/8 tsp vanilla extract

Creme d'amande a la pistache
53 g butter
53 g icing sugar
30 g almond powder
25 g pistachio powder
53 g eggs
3 g rum
5 g cake flour

Fresh strawberries
Strawberry jam (used apricot jam)
Chopped pistachio nuts


  • Beat the butter in the bowl until the butter is smooth. Gradually add the icing sugar, eggs,vanilla,mixing until combine.

  • Add the almond powder and flour,baking powder and mix until combine. Use your hand to knead briefly until smooth
  • Wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180C
  • Roll into 4mm thick. Place on tart pan.
  • Place all the ingredients for Creme d'almande a la pistache together until combine.

  • Pipe into the prepared Pate sucre. (I spooned into)

  • Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown.
  • Let the tarts cool completely


"But the fruit of the Spirit is love,joy,peace,patience,kindness,goodness,faithfulness,gentleness,
                                                                                                                           Galatians 5:22-23


  1. Hi Lian, What a neat blog. I too am someone who loves to cook and loves God. I have come to believe that the wonderful food that God gives us is meant to be enjoyed and savored as a gift from Him. Please visit my blog if you have a chance. It's a book that I wrote about my walk with the Lord. It's at I am hoping that it brings people closer to God's healing love, and that's why I am sharing it. And how neat to be able to "talk" to someone so far away so easily. Take care and God bless. - Heather K (I love 1 Cor. 10:31. One of my favorite verses.)

  2. John Lennon mocked Jesus if you didn't know. He was heavily into eastern mysticism and was influenced my teachers of Satanism.

  3. Oh, I didn't know that. The song title just came to me while writing this post. Never a Beatle fan. Thanks.
