Sunday, 13 January 2013

Call To Him In Faith

Another breakfast food prepared in the late evening for supper. Is it healthy to eat such food at late night?  Of course not! Let me assure you that I don't do this every often. Just want to share with you this wonderful easy peasy way of preparing breakfast egg dish. This humble dish looks so elegant that Martha Stewart  suggests serving for brunch or dinner.
This is so versatile cooking, you can prepare for one or more. You can flavor it with cheese, herbs and spices.  You can even change the side to sausage, ham, sliced mushrooms, capsicums,...the list goes on. How would you like your eggs done? Scrambled or Sunnyside Up?

Bacon, Eggs, and Toast Cup
Makes 6


3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
8 slices white or whole-wheat sandwich bread
6 slices bacon
6 large eggs
Coarse salt and ground pepper


  • Preheat oven to 375F. Lightly butter 6 standard muffin cups. With a rolling pin, flatten bread slices slightly and, with a 4 1/4 cookie cutter, cut into 8 rounds. Cut each round in half, then press 2 halves into each muffin cup, overlapping slightly and making sure bread comes up to edge of cup. Use extra bread to patch any gaps. Brush bread with remaining butter.

  • In a large skillet, cook bacon over medium, until almost crisp,4 minutes, flipping once (it will continue to cook in the oven.) Lay 1 bacon slice in each bread cup and crack an egg over each. Season with salt and pepper. Bake until egg whites are just set, 20 to 25 minutes. Run a small knife around cups to loosen toasts. Serve immediately.
Note: I cooked the bacon in a toaster and baked the eggs for 15 minutes. 

Sunday School

Jesus Heals A Man Born Blind  John 9

Today the children learnt about the miracle healing of a man born blind and how he was healed.  They also learnt of God's purpose of creating people in specific ways so that His work might be displayed. From this lesson, they learnt about trusting and faith in Jesus just like the blind man. They also learnt about people who live in spiritual darkness. Besides spiritual lesson, the children also learnt the importance of sight and the use of our other senses.

"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
                                                                         Romans 10:13

What a beautiful verse! It gives us a glimpse into the heart of God. His grace and love for people of all kind.
All His riches, blessings and favour will be bestowed upon us if call to Him in faith.

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