Monday, 19 November 2012

To Serve Others

Rolling,Filling,Pleating Pork Dumpling

I like the service is this restaurant. It is always friendly and super efficient. The food is also always consistent in quality. You will be given a queue no and a order form, Once you are seated and tea served, your food will be on your table usually in about 5-10 minutes.

Din Tai Fung is famous for their pork dumpling, served hot in a bamboo steamer. You eat the dumpling with a ginger and vinegar dip. You can read more about its origin from here.

Ginger and Vinegar Dip


Fried Pork Chop
We usually order the 10 pieces dumpling to share, a plate of crispy prawn pancake, fried pork chop and  noodle.

Crispy Prawn Pancake


I have just returned from church after supervising the youths to arrange tables and chairs in the Fellowship Hall. This is the place where the campers will  be every morning and evening for arrival and dismissal. They will also have their lunch and afternoon tea here. There are 20 groups(lab crew)of six juniors(4-8yrs) and 22 groups of 6 seniors(8-11yrs).  Every lab crew is lead by an adult or youth helper (lab crew leader)

The kitchen is also cleaned and all drinking cups washed.

The games and activities materials are also grouped accordingly

The campers will have their Songs and Praises (Supersonic Power-up!) in the sanctuary. The sanctuary floor are marked for group seating.

Every crew leader will have a file, and stationery in their material bag. The lab crew leader will appoint one camper to carry the material bag. The file has the campers attendance and personal information like dietary requirement and allergies It also has the three days timetable and lessons and activities outline and contact numbers of all campers

'Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and power of ever and ever. Amen.' 
                                                                                     1 Peter 4:10-11

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