Saturday, 6 October 2012

Ice Cream In A Bag

I did an experiment of making ice cream in a bag. This is for the Sunday school Family Night on Friday. We usually include a fun and bonding activity for families to do. We had done cupcake decorating,face painting,egg painting,Chinese calligraphy, scroll making and other family friendly crafts and games.
After studying some youtube videos, I tried to make them at home. A lot of shaking is involved and this needs good muscle strength which I do not have. My daughter did the shaking for me. I used UHT milk because it is cheaper but it has no creamy taste of ice cream. I will use single cream on Friday night. The trick to make it frozen and stay stable like ice cream is to add lots of coarse salt onto the ice bag. This is what you need:

1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup cream
1 tablespoon superfine sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup coarse salt
3 cups ice
1 quart size ziploc
1 gallon size ziploc

Place cream, sugar and vanilla extract in a bag. Remove excess air and zip the bag. In another bag, place ice cubes and salt and put the bag of  cream into the ice bag. Zip the ice bag and shake vigorously for 5 to 8 minutes. Remove and scoop out the ice cream.

Family Night
Just back from church after Family Night. What a fun night! We had a simple dinner of chicken rice and fried bean curd, catered from a nearby foodstall, Someone brought Japanese jellies for dessert.

After dinner, we continued the study of The Five Love Languages Of Children, We had covered the first love and that is Physcial Touch. Tonight we learnt about the second love, Words of Affirmation. A 10 minutes screenshot from a local movie was shown. This local movie is about communication problems between children and parents.We learnt parents must be able to encourage, to instil courage to the child, like learning to walk,swim, taking an exam or anything a child does. Just like words that we would also like to hear from Christ; 'Well done, faithful servant'.
Matthews 25;21.
We ended with the folding of origami hearts and every one was to write something encouraging to their loved ones.
The children were very excited by now because it is craft time next and they know they are making their own ice cream.
Add Cream and milk
Ice and Salt

Do the Shake
Yummy ice cream with oreo and rainbow toppings
Love is in the air

Fatherly love
We ended with birthday cakes for those celebrating their birthday this month and next.
Vanilla cupcakes with Nutella Frosting

I will share the recipe in my next post

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